CrossFit Affiliate in Drury, South Auckland, NZ
Body Composition scans are available at D52 CrossFit for both members and non members.
Please email or txt Ange today to book your InBody 570 body composition scan.
email: info@district52crossfit.co.nz
txt Ange: 021-477-122
Cost = $40 per scan. Includes results sheet and full interpretation guide. The appointment takes just 15 minutes. Non members welcome!
What is the InBody Body Scan?
What does your weight really represent? When you step on a scale, you can’t see how much muscle or fat you have. All you see is how heavy you weigh.
Go beyond the scale with the InBody Test, a non-invasive body composition analysis that provides a detailed breakdown of your weight in terms of muscle, fat, and water on an InBody Result Sheet. The InBody test just takes 45 seconds!
No pinching, no discomfort. Stay fully clothed! Get results you can trust so you can reach your health and fitness goals with precision and actionable objectives.
The InBody is the perfect tool for tracking your progress and accurately monitoring your results. For example, if you're trying to lose weight, make sure that it's body fat you're losing, not precious muscle mass!
Ideal for:
• Transformation challenges
• Athletes and sports teams
• Body building and physique athletes
• Corporate wellness challenges
• Gym goers
• Nutrition clients
• Health and wellbeing
What the InBody Test Measures
The InBody body composition analyser measures your body and provides a detailed, yet easy to understand report. On your results sheet, you will see how many kilograms of fat and muscle is on your body and where it is located. By monitoring these metrics over time, you can pin point the changes needed in your diet and exercise to achieve your goals.
•Total muscle mass in kgs and percentage (segmental analysis of trunk, arms and legs)
•Total body fat in kgs and percentage (segmental analysis of trunk, arms and legs)
•Visceral fat (internal abdominal fat - the kind that most impacts on your health)
•Muscular imbalances
•Total body water
•Bone mineral content
•Basal metabolic rate
Preparation for the InBody Test
For the most accurate results we recommend following these preparation guidelines.
•Do not eat for 3-4 hours before testing
•Do not exercise for 4 hours prior to testing
•Ensure access to both feet with removable footwear and socks
•Make sure you have used the bathroom prior to the test
•Do not wear heavy clothing, accessories or jewellery
•Avoid caffeine on the day of your test. Be normally hydrated
•Do not shower or sauna immediately prior to test
•Avoid putting lotion on hands and feet before testing
•Individuals with pacemakers or other electronic devices should not use the InBody
•Avoid testing during menstruation as females experience changes in body water during their cycle
•Do not test if pregnant